Saturday, August 22, 2009

Incubus = Stinkubus

So, last night Adam and I went to the Incubus concert. I bought the tickets about 4 months ago thinking it would be a nice baby-free date night. Well, I woke up feeling icky that morning. Just very worn down and we both had headaches so needless to say it wasn't the best start to the day. I am lucky to have a wonderful husband who let me nap 3 hours (!) during the day and to have made me dinner & gave James a bath before we dropped him off at YiaYia's house. Around 5 it started pouring down rain and there were thunderstorm warnings all over the place, but the concert didn't start until 8 so there was time for it to die down. (Though we had covered seats so it wasn't a huge deal).

Any ways, we dropped James of at YiaYia & Pop's around 7 and headed over to Borders to kill some time before the concert. (We didn't really care about the opening act - The Duke Spirit). But as it turned out there was a tornado warning and when the Pavilion says "Rain or Shine" they don't mean Tornado or Shine. So around 7:45 they kicked every one out of the Pavilion. (We were in Borders looking at books when a bunch of concert-goers came in and gave us the scoop). Any ways, around 8:30 they started letting people back in so we checked out and left. By the way, Adam bought Go-Go Girls of the Apocalypse by Victor Gischler & I got When You Wish by Kristin Harmel.

When we got to the Pavilion we had to get searched (for guns, knives, etc) and because of this, it took forever to get through the ticket line. Once we were finally through we went to our seats (Section 106, Row N, Seats 4&5). When we got to our seats The Duke Spirit were still on (and they wouldn't have been half bad if the singer didn't sing). Any ways, around 9 they finally left the stage and it was a full 30 minutes before Incubus came on. In the Woodlands, performers can't go past 11 pm without getting fined because we are a "master planned community" and they don't want the concerts to disturb the residents. So we were already ticked that we were only going to see an hour and a half. We paid almost $150 for these tickets for an hour and a half? We weren't pleased. (When we went to see John Mayer he played for almost 3 hours). Any ways, to top it off, they weren't that good! They sounded like the do on the radio which says something for his vocals and such, but it was literally like being at home listening to the CD. They didn't interact with the audience. I think Brandon Boyd (the lead singer) maybe said 10 words to the audience during the first 5 songs. It was very disappointing. We ended up leaving at 10:45 in order to beat the hassle of leaving with the crowd.

After we left we went to the gas station and grabbed some ice cream and we came home and watched 17 Again with Zac Efron & Matthew Perry. Surprisingly, it was really good! I was really impressed. And I cried. Of course. Any ways, Adam and I enjoyed our time together but as far as Incubus goes, we won't be seeing them again. Here is a picture of us at the concert. Also, a testament to how crappy I was feeling:

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